Sunday 17 November 2013

Going to the movies in Asia - Update

We previously wrote about seeing movies in Japan, Singapore and Malaysia

Thought it was time to see another one! So we went to see Thor 2: The Dark World in 3D while in Nanjing, China! This one was a little more challenging but we did it!

The cinema listings were all in Chinese so we were not sure how we were going to identify the movie and time. We knew it was playing because of the large billboard in the lobby! It helped that this was a sequel and had the number 2 in it, and only one other movie on the listing was a sequel. From here we only had two movies to figure out, and based on the writing on the billboard, we were able to match it to the Chinese on the listing! From that, we knew what time we wanted to see it at.

We approached the ticket window, and began our order by pointing to the large picture of Thor, holding up two fingers for number of tickets, and then telling the time we would like to see it. Then we got stuck as we had to pick our seats and we were unable to tell her.  I tried to tell her the number in Mandarin (I know some of my numbers), but because the rows and seats were both numbered, I could not explain it well. Fortunately, her co-worker next to her spoke some English, and we were able to tell her. It was only 50Yuan ($8 CAD) each to see the movie in 3D. With tickets in hand, we moved onto the concession.

To make things easier, we pointed to one of the combos on the menu board. To complicate matters, it came with a free glass which we did not want and tried to give it back to her! She was confused. We were confused! A regular sized popcorn (only sweet popcorn was served here and it was very good - not too sweet at all) plus two regular sized sodas for 40Yuan ($6.75 CAD).

Ok, now to head into the theatre. We look at our ticket, and um, what?! We cannot read it! We are confident we have Thor tickets, but what theatre are we in? Then we remembered, we selected row (grade) 6, seat (type) 15 and 16. Ok, so hall is the theatre number, but what is K3 (6) mean? Apparently, the theatre we were in was literally called K3(6), so no problem.

There was a lot of leg room, and because it was middle of the afternoon, it was quiet. The movie was in English with Chinese subtitles. Story was a little similar to the first one, but done well. Acting was good, and it was fun, we enjoyed it. A lot of money has been made so far, so we know that Thor 3 will be made and I have no problem with that!

~ Christine

Experienced 12 November 2013

And just for fun, here is the movie poster in Seoul, Korea:

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